Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yoga Week

I went to Yoga 4 times this week. I had classes with 3 new teachers. One of the teachers was downright crazy. I loved him. He was mumbling in Sanskrit and teasing us that we were going to have to stand in Tadasana with our arms over our heads for the rest of the class. The music at the beginning of class was all calm flute music and in the middle of class Bohemian Rhapsody came on. I was smiling throughout the whole class. New teacher, new poses, new fun. The teacher suggested a full bind for Ardha Matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes). I don't know why I'd never thought of it before. I always did the half bind. I enjoyed all the twists and binds, but sat out the inversions. I think he thought I was copping out. Especially with camel, but since I got pierced camel makes me feel as though I'm choking. I think by the end of class he might have realized why I was doing Viparita Karani instead of the inversions. I was so exhausted on Friday that I didn't go to yoga. I came home and was a total couch potato. I slept a lot yesterday and didn't work out at all. I think I may go to yoga tonight. I'm hoping to go to that crazy guy's yoga class again next week. Then I can show him how much I love inversions. As a reward for all that yoga I feel better and the scale has come down. I think yoga is helping with some much needed detox.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This post makes me nostalgic. I took yoga for a few years and was pretty good at it if I do say so myself. Then I missed one session and ended up not taking another class for the last four years. I keep planning to get back into it. Your blog helps remind and motivate me of the joys of yoga.