Sunday, November 16, 2008

Burn Out

I am exhausted today. We made it to the gym and I manged two hours of working out. That makes 350 for the week. Not bad for such a busy week. Last week I got in 435 minutes. I'm hoping to hit that again this coming week. I'm not sure what I'll do for a work out tomorrow. I've got jury duty in the morning. I packed myself some reading material and a couple of snacks. I hope I'm not there all day. Parking is very far away and seems complicated, so Ross is going to take me and then pick me up. I have been only lifting weights with my left side (upper body)because I am lopsided. I'm not sure what is the best way to fix that--so I just decided to only work my left side for a couple of weeks. Like I said this morning--I've managed not to gain any weight with all the desserts! I need to get rid of all the leftovers so that I won't eat anymore of them. I'm at my low. Maybe by Thanksgiving I can hit 140. I'm going to keep trying.

1 comment:

V said...

Maybe you didn't gain any weight because you ONLY ate desserts? I've done that sometimes . . .