Monday, June 25, 2012

Trapeze Grips and Wrist Wraps

I thought I should get some hand grips to protect my hands because I will be doing trapeze every week.  I was hesitant to order a pair online because of my big hands. Most gymnastics grips are made of leather. I remembered that I had a leather skirt in my donation pile and thought I'd take a stab at cutting out a pair.  First I cut a pattern out of card stock, then I cut the leather. They fit and they work--so, it has been a success.

I ordered some MMA hand wraps. They are super long, so I cut them. One pair is long enough to make 3 pairs. I bought plain white ones, and blue camo ones. I was wearing the blue camo ones for this weeks catch.
 The leather skirt that I got at the nearly new sale that no longer fits.
 Palm side of the grips.
 Back side of the grips.
Grips with wrist wrap. The grips only have long straps--no velco, so the wrist wrap secures them.

1 comment:

zannelaw said...

I CANNOT believe you cut that skirt up!