Tuesday, July 5, 2011

By the Numbers

5 -- number of times I've been to yoga in the last 5 days. I'm taking tomorrow off. I'm beat.
150.5 -- my current weight.
525 -- number of minutes I've exercised in the last 5 days.
4 -- liters of water I've had today.
26.7 -- miles per gallon I got on my last tank of gas. That's more than usual.
3.649 -- price I paid per gallon of gas today.
23 -- bottles of colored nail polish I have.
24 -- number of open blooms that Patty (my violet) has.
60 -- number of workout DVD I have.
421 -- page I'm on in the last Dark Tower book. I have 424 pages left.
1220 -- approximate number of calories I ate today.

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