Sunday, March 16, 2014

Garage Insulation Part 2, The Door

So the second part of the insulation plan was putting styrofoam in the garage door panels.
Here are the 8 foam boards on top of dad's car. We taped the boards together and strapped them to the car. We didn't drive over 40 miles per hour because we didn't want the boards to flip up.
Here is dad cutting the boards to the correct height. While he was doing that I glued two cut boards together.
Dad did most of the liquid nail squiggles on the garage door and shoved the boards into place. I trimmed the boards if they needed to be a little narrower. The boards snapped into place and we decided we didn't need to add screws to hold the foam in.
Here are three panels with the insulation in place. We did all 16 panels and covered the windows. I can tell a difference now. I think our cars will be a lot more comfortable now and my laundry soap will stay liquid.

Now Ross and I need to cover that hole in the ceiling.

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