Monday, April 28, 2014

The Mentalist: Losing Interest

So, The Mentalist has started a new chapter. Patrick Jane now works for the FBI, based in Austin. Why Austin? For us here in Texas, at least for me and Ross, setting the show in Texas makes the show ridiculous. Why? Because for the show to happen as shown, it would require time travel. On the last episode we watched a guy declare "I'll have a chopper there in an hour."  He was talking about some place near Santa Fe. An hour from where? Anywhere in Texas? No. Not even the New Mexico/Texas Border. So to say an hour from Austin is just silly.

Unlike Llanview, Pennsylvania, Austin, Texas is a real place. In the MIDDLE of Texas--and Texas is Big, in case you didn't know. Watching a show where the characters go back and forth between Austin and Corpus Christie like it's the next town over is enough to make me stop watching the show.

Simon Baker as Jane is sexier than ever, but the writers need to get a clue.

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